A. Wind Farm Layout Studies:

Large eddy simulation of large wind-farm with JHU-LES code (for details, see R. Stevens et al., 2014, JSRE 6, 023105). Visualization courtesy of D. Bock (Extended Services XSEDE).
- Improved models for offshore wind farm fluid dynamics to maximize resource usage, Richard Stevens, Dennice Gayme, Charles Meneveau
- Determining optimal turbine spacing in very large onshore and offshore wind farms, R. Stevens, B. Hobbs, A. Ramos & C. Meneveau (link to paper: http://doi.org/10.1002/we.2016)
- Computational studies of spatio-temporal fluctuations, Michael Wilzcek, Richard Stevens & Charles Meneveau (link to paper: https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2015.116)
- Wind tunnel experimental studies of large wind farms, Juliaan Bossuyt, Michael Howland, Charles Meneveau, Johan Meyers
Contact person for this research thrust:
Charles Meneveau
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Johns Hopkins University
[email protected]